Notice of Race
2023 Summer Solstice Regatta
Pacific Northwest Thistle District Championship
Saturday, June 17th & 18th
Hosted by Vancouver Lake Sailing Club (VLSC), Vancouver, Washington, USA
The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) for 2021-2024, the prescriptions of US SAILING, and the rules of the individual classes, except as any of these are changed by this Notice of Race and/or this event's Sailing Instructions.
Thistles must be Thistle Class Association registered with Pacific Northwest district dues paid.
All Thistles must be registered with the Thistle Class Association (TCA), and all Thistle skippers must be registered with the TCA and be current with TCA dues and Pacific Northwest District dues. Thistle measurements may be checked.
Eligibility, Fees, and Registration
Eligible boats may enter this regatta by completing a registration online with VLSC at:
A boat must be registered and have all fees paid to VLSC before becoming an official competitor. Five boats must be registered in each fleet in order to be scored separately. Fleets with less than 5 boats will be combined into appropriate Portsmouth fleets and scored accordingly. Awards will be given to the first 3 finishers in each fleet.
The fee for the regatta is $75 per boat, $40 per boat for Youth skippers 25 and under, with an additional $5 discount available to all US SAILING members (must provide USS ID at check-in).
Registration is due by Monday, June 12th, so meals can be counted. (Late registrations will be accepted no later than 11:00 on Saturday, June 17th, 2023, but late registrants may not be able to order meals.)
All participants must check-in with the registration desk inside the clubhouse by noon on Saturday in order to be eligible for this regatta.
Schedule of Races
We are planning on holding as many races as time and conditions allow. Racing on Saturday will start at or after 13:00. Sunday races will start at or after 11:00. No races will be started after 19:00 on Saturday and not after 15:00 on Sunday.
Sailing Instructions
Sailing Instructions and a course sheet with marks, start, recall and finish information will be provided for all participants at check-in time on Saturday, June 17th, 2023.
Time Limits
The time limit for finishing will be 1 hour from the start for the first boat of each class. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat of the class finishes or within the time limit, whichever is later, will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF). A race will be deemed to have started by the deadline for the day if the original start is within the deadline, regardless of subsequent recalls.
Protests and Requests for Redress
Protests and requests for redress shall be submitted in writing to the race committee within 60 minutes after the race committee returns to shore at the end of the day's racing. Protest forms are available at the race notice board in the clubhouse. Protests and requests for redress shall be delivered there within the protest time limit.
The Low Point scoring system of RRS Appendix A2 will apply. Tie scores will be resolved in accordance to RRS A7 Race Ties and RRS A8 Series Ties. The Thistle fleet will NOT have any throw-out races.
For all fleets except the Thistles, all races will count unless 5 or more races are completed in which case one throw-out of the worst score will be allowed and the total of the remaining races will be summed to obtain the overall series score for each boat. If a fleet is composed of more than one class then the scores for that fleet will be based on adjusted finish positions using Portsmouth ratings.
Safety Regulations
Each boat shall carry safety equipment conforming to government regulations, class rules, and US SAILING or ISAF rules, including USCG Approved life jackets for each member of the crew.
Disclaimer of Liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS rule 4, decision to race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
Prizes will be given as soon as possible after the end of racing on Sunday. Each fleet of five or more boats will be awarded trophies for the first three positions.
2023 Schedule of Events
Friday, June 16th
Thistle Fleet:
- Clinic with Greg Fisher
- 10:30 – arrive and rig
- 11:30 – meet for shoreside talk at the VLSC clubhouse
- 12:30 – on the water until 3:30 (or so, wind dependent)
- 17:00 – debrief with video at the VLSC clubhouse
- Hamburgers, Hot dogs and soft drinks available for a small charge
Other Fleets:
Welcome early arrivals: after 18:00
Saturday, June 17th
Registration & check-in: 10:00 - 12:00
Skippers Meeting; 12:00
First race of the day: 13:00
Last race start: 19:00 pm or earlier Saturday
Dinner at the club: 19:00 or later depending on completion of racing. Tickets are available to those who pre-register.
Sunday, June 18th
First race of the day: 11:00
Last race start Sunday: 15:00 or earlier
Awards ceremony: ASAP after racing is completed
Additional Regatta Information: Use of VLSC Facilities
VLSC is located at:
7110 NW 25th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98665
A map and other information about VLSC can be found at
**** Pets are NOT allowed on the VLSC grounds ****
Please respect our neighbors by driving slowly in the residential area around VLSC.
VLSC facilities will be available at no charge to participants and their families (again, no pets please) for the duration of the regatta. The club grounds have limited room for tent camping. A full kitchen, showers and restrooms are also available to registered participants and guests.
Hotel Accommodations
Numerous hotels and motels are available in the Portland and Vancouver area.
For more information email us at regattateam[at]